Trim your young Lavender plants

If you planted a young lavender last year and if it’s blooming, cut off those flower spikes! I know how hard it can be to cut off those lovely blooms but DO IT! During the first 3 years you’ll want to encourage the plant to keep its energy in the plant rather than in making flowers. You will also be lightly trimming and shaping the plant into a pin cushion shape during these early years.

In the photo is a Lavandula Angustifolia ‘Hidcote’ that I planted towards the end of summer 2016. At almost a year old it’s doing wonderfully in the rock garden, and it threw up several flower spikes. These were cut off and the plant given a little haircut to keep its tight pin cushion shape. If it continues to thrive and survive its second winter (and I have every confidence that it will) it will likely double in size.