I’m a Real Woman Green Dress Saturday paper-cutting

Where did the week go? It’s Saturday and I’m happily wearing my I’m a Real Woman Series Saturday Green Dress but I’m not getting any gardening done.

I’m a Real Woman on Saturday

This morning I surveyed Lavender Hill for any damage from yesterday’s wind storm and while there are lots of small branches down and one large evergreen tree snapped in half (it was dead to begin with and is in an area that poses no threat) I am happy to report no damage.
Next chore was to get all the mice droppings out of the camper van and that took quite some time ~ yuk! I had checked over the winter and it was clean but those pesky rodents took a spring break inside!
Then, during a quick-lunch, I noticed my younger GSD was absent? I found her in the back yard wrestling with a very crumpled 6′ long drain pipe. Argh. There must be something inside. I picked it up and didn’t notice anything moving. Both ends are completely crushed with teeth marks acting like rivets so nothing is ever coming out of this pipe again.
Oh! then I feel a little counter-balance and hear a little scraping slide noise from inside. OMG! there is some poor thing trapped inside this aluminum coffin. I carry it to an area of the garden behind a gate and away from the dogs. It takes all my effort to bend the drain pipe back and forth at a point in the crumbled aluminum closest to the section where the pipe isn’t crushed. A piece breaks off but the pipe is still pinched together. I grab the closest tool at hand in the form of a wooden stake and try to wedge it between the pinched aluminum trying to pry an opening. Suddenly a little furry chipmunk tries to squeeze its way out so I retract my tool and the little guy squeezes some more…only to get stuck! It’s looking at me, I’m looking at it….Okay I say back in and let me try to make the opening bigger…in it goes and I manage to get the drain pipe opened large enough for a full-body exit.
I’ve never been this close to a chipmunk before. It came out of the pipe and as if thanking me came over to the edge of my elevated work surface within a foot of my face and inches away from my hands and just looked at me. I said, “don’t jump on me” and moved back a little. It was in no hurry to go and retreated back into the pipe!. Oh no I said…out you go as I raised up one end and out it came again.
And that’s it (for now) for my I’m a Real Woman Saturday Green Dress day; although I do have a replacement part to put into the pressure-washer…but the instructions are 5 pages long. YES FIVE pages! okay they’re illustrated…but still 5 pages! that will likely take up the remainder of the day.
Click, click, click, I go in my matching green heels to lug out the pressure washer…now what do I need for tools……